Sunday, January 28, 2007

I foresee *GREATNESS*...

...10 years from now.

Hopefully 10 years is enough time to have finished all the schooling I feel I need in my life that will lead me to a career that I am obsessively compassionate about. When I say "obsessively compassionate," I am referring to those people that are *ALWAYS* talking about what they do for a living and getting on your nerves, but I have respect for them because they genuinely *CARE* and take *PRIDE* in what they do. I don't want to be the person that complains when the next day of work arrives; I want to wake up with a smile on my face and looking to embrace the challenges the day will bring.

10 years from now I want to be comfortable and content with whatever I choose to do with my life. I don't feel like I absolutely *NEED* to be married within 10 years time , but it would be nice so that I would be done having kids by that time. :)

I am completely optimistic about my future; I have no reason as to why I shouldn't be optimistic. Next year, I will be a graduate from Clemson University. I believe that if I can go that far I can surely continue on and pursue the rest of my dreams.

Just as I said before- 10 years from now I foresee *GREATNESS* and nothing less.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Introducing Capri N.

Who am I? Good question....

I am Capri N., a junior majoring in Health Science at Clemson University. At one point in my life I planned to take my degree and build a career towards Sports Medicine and then I wanted to do Athletic Training, but as of right now I have NO worldly idea about what I want to do with my life. Maybe one day I'll figure it out...

I began my journey of my life in Brooklyn, New York but eventually my family made my way down to Lugoff, South Carolina (don't look it up, it's not on the map). Oh...the good ole days... my spare time I like to sleep, eat, sleep some more, eat some more, cut class on rainy days, cook, fall asleep watching t.v., laugh at people, watch the Sound of Music and sing all the songs :), dance like it's nobody's business, and plenty of other stuff. I hope you didn't think I was really going to sit here and tell you EVERYTHING! Nosy asses.....