Thursday, March 8, 2007


The project is moving along slowly but surely. We continue to add ideas to incorporate on the website with each meeting. The agendas Crystal creates for us helps A LOT during meeting times. They give us a general layout of what we need to cover; usually by looking at that, we are able to remember the other things we need to cover during that meeting. We are going to continue to clean-up the main components of the website but our main focus right now is our proposal.

For the proposal, we are going to have to break it up in different sections so that we can get it done before Wednesday. Everyone is having *EXTREMELY* busy schedules before Spring Break so I don't really know how much time and energy each group member will be able to dedicate to their portion of the proposal. Despite time constraints, we will try to make this proposal as professional as possible.

Other than that, our group has been working pretty well in all arenas of designing the website and getting together to discuss ideas and future plans. Pray for us this last week before Spring Break; tests and projects are going to be *CRUCIAL!*

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