Saturday, March 17, 2007

How Far is *TOO* Far?

Blogging is a relatively easy way to express yourself to an audience of millions of people so you should be careful about what you blog about. I feel that it should be okay to express your personal feelings about your job and how your day went as long as you do not use names or the name of the company. If employees were not allowed to do that, it is as if they have no rights to their freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. Despite that, many companies have clauses that they have the employee signs that states that they may be penalized for using the company's uniform or name for anything other than work. If you don't use the company's name or anything affiliated with the company, I believe they should be allowed to express their opinions any way they feel necessary. A good deal of people find blogging therapeutic. By spewing about a bad job online they can receive comments from other people that may have a similar situation and they may not feel as if they are alone in the situation. All in all, people should be able to express themselves any way they want to without violating any ordinances their employers have in place.

In order to avoid any problems at all, try keeping a personal journal rather than broadcasting your hostility against people and your job on the Internet highway; too many people have access to the information.

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