Sunday, April 29, 2007

*HA HA....I'M DONE!*

...but since YOU will have to take this class I guess I should give you some friendly words of advice. The class is wonderful and an excellent learning experience for your future in the workplace. You will learn many things that will make you stand out to potential employers while gaining worthwhile experience.

Our class had the opportunity to work with a homeless shelter called the Anderson Sunshine House to help them create a website to provide more information about the efforts they are putting in to reduce homelessness in Anderson County. Not only did I receive a lot of information about how I could get involved with the shelter, but I also gained excellent knowledge on how to create and maintain a website.

Coming into the class you should have an open mind. This will allow you to come up with many different ideas that could make the project all that it can be and then some. The class will not stress you out, but make sure you stay aware of your deadlines. Due to the fact that a lot of assignments must be submitted online, you should start ahead of time so that you can contact Mrs. Rogers about helping rectify the problem. This way you will not have problems when the due date arrives.

I thoroughly enjoyed the class and I learned TONS of information! I hope you have as wonderful of an experience as I did! :)

I would just like to leave you with a poem called "Within You Is The Strength To Meet Life's Challenges!" by Lisa Wroble.

"You are stronger than you think,
remember to stand tall.

Every challenge in your life
helps you to grow.

Every problem you encounter
strengthens your mind and your soul.

Every trouble you overcome
increases your understanding of life.

When all your troubles weigh
heavily on your shoulders,
remember that beneath the burden
you can stand tall,
because you are never given
more than you can handle...
and you are stronger than you think."

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