Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Tragedy at Virginia Tech

The events that occurred at Virginia Tech was horrifying and tragic. I do not completely think there are ways to completely eliminate things like this from happening but I do believe people should pay more attention to the potential warning signs. I would prefer to be more safe than sorry. Someone may have felt they would have been making too big of a deal if they were to let the proper authorities know but you should always report something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Every college campus has there rules about guns on campus, but we have seen that there are ways around those regulations. In order to make situations like this occur less often, I just believe that campuses should actually enforce the rules and regulations they already have and ensure students that reporting strange activity is okay. As I said before, it is better to be more safe than sorry. I personally already take certain precautions when I am walking around by myself on campus but I know there are probably some warning signs I may be missing. You can just try to be more aware of the things going on around you.

My prayers go out to all those that lost a loved one, friend, professor, etc. in the massacre and I pray with all my heart that something like this may never happen again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make some very good points. We really should start by enforcing the rules we currently have.