Wednesday, February 28, 2007


This week we had mock interviews with our teacher. I feel that the mock interview was very beneficial. It will definitely help me in the future with finding a career and possibly gaining admittance to a graduate school. Angela even went into detail about how I could improve my interview by elaborating on how my major and career goals should intertwine with my minor. The mock interview also opened my eyes to potential questions my future employer will ask during the hiring process. I truly enjoyed the practice I gained from the entire mock interview experience. :)

Friday, February 23, 2007

*Cough Cough*

Well I have recently been out of class SICK AS A DOG with a sinus infection, so I have only had the pleasure of enjoying about five presentations. So far, the presentations I have seen have been very entertaining. My favorite actually was the young lady that presented information about horses. I was impressed because I don't even like horses but she made me very interested in what she was talking about. I loved the way she set up her slides and her pictures were beautiful. Another one of my favorite presentations was the one about oil changes because it was something I had actually been wanting more information on.

So far, we have had interesting, funny, and entertaining presentations. I hope that I will hold the attention of my audience and they won't fall asleep during my five-minute presentation. :)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Past, Present, and Future...

As of today, we have been trying to get this website off the ground with research about the homeless population in Anderson, website designs, information to go on the site, and pictures to add to the site also. In class, we have been looking at ways to make the most effective PowerPoint presentations, interviews, cover letters, and résumés. All of this, along with the formatting quiz we just took, will help us leave a mark in the job industry with stand-out materials.

Coming up soon, we will have portfolios to turn in. I don't think this will be all that difficult as long as I have all of my materials together and up to par. I am actually looking forward to this assignment in order to help me assess what I need to pay more attention to and what I will need to work on for my second portfolio.

My most challenging obstacle is tackling what we will need to have done for this website. I think my ultimate problem with that is just the fact that we really haven't met with the clients yet. I feel that once I have heard from the clients what they DEFINITELY want, I will be more able to get started and head in the direction they want us to be going. Despite that, Tiger Web Design is trying all that we can in order to get some ideas going in order to make this the best possible website for our clients and the people they wish to help.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Hmmm....maybe if I would have actually considered my five-minute presentation, this would be a lot easier! So, maybe I'll just think about some of the things I like to talk about to help narrow it down.

I might just talk about the benefits of sleep since that seems to consume a good bit of my time. I just enjoy it SO much! That seems good since the body of a college student does not function properly without a sufficient amount of sleep. I could also talk of all the benefits of sleep and how it prepares me for a long day of sleeping in class, road trips, and parties. :)

I could also give the class a general run-down of how Bath and Body Works functions since I donated so much of my time to them last semester. :-P I also have a good background knowledge of how succeeding in school does not allow for a personal/social life (story of my college life). Those are just some of the things I could possibly discuss for my five-minute presentation.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Is *IGNORANCE* the new pink?

The recent events that occurred around Clemson University personally sickens me to my stomach. It is just the simple fact that people can be so ignorant as to paint themselves black and think that is acceptable. Never in my life have I thought to paint myself another color to portray myself as another race. I hope that *IGNORANCE* is not becoming the new pink.

I believe the only way to prevent instances like this from occurring at Clemson University again is to implement some sort of mandatory diversity workshop for all entering freshmen and another workshop as students get ready to leave and head out into the job force. Clemson University has SO many different students from around the world and we must be sensitive to the cultures and backgrounds of *ALL* students here. This also includes students that lead a gay or lesbian lifestyle. I do not feel that all people are aware of their ignorance, but there are some things that are blatant; this includes the incidence of party-goers painting themselves black.

The implementation of a mandatory diversity workshop will help bridge the gap that is ever so evident on Clemson's campus. As a student that has been here for 3 years, I have witnessed how students may participate in organizations that has where their particular race is the majority rather than branching out to take part to involve themselves in *EVERYTHING* that is happening on campus. I know that is not true with every club, group, or organization but personally I would take part in anything that interests me or that I feel is a worthy cause.

Even though the party that occurred was rather negative in its portrayal of African -American culture, I feel that it brought the attention towards the *IGNORANCE* that is alive and well at Clemson University. I *REFUSE* to let it be repeated. I hope people look at this as a learning experience and fight to help end a vicious cycle of stereotypes and lack of cultural sensitivity.

Don't let *IGNORANCE* become the new pink; I really like that color....