Sunday, February 11, 2007


Hmmm....maybe if I would have actually considered my five-minute presentation, this would be a lot easier! So, maybe I'll just think about some of the things I like to talk about to help narrow it down.

I might just talk about the benefits of sleep since that seems to consume a good bit of my time. I just enjoy it SO much! That seems good since the body of a college student does not function properly without a sufficient amount of sleep. I could also talk of all the benefits of sleep and how it prepares me for a long day of sleeping in class, road trips, and parties. :)

I could also give the class a general run-down of how Bath and Body Works functions since I donated so much of my time to them last semester. :-P I also have a good background knowledge of how succeeding in school does not allow for a personal/social life (story of my college life). Those are just some of the things I could possibly discuss for my five-minute presentation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think any of these could work. I love Bath & Body Works, so that might be fun... although it'd probably make me go shopping. And sleep... a lot of students really need to hear about the importance of getting enough sleep.