Sunday, February 4, 2007

Is *IGNORANCE* the new pink?

The recent events that occurred around Clemson University personally sickens me to my stomach. It is just the simple fact that people can be so ignorant as to paint themselves black and think that is acceptable. Never in my life have I thought to paint myself another color to portray myself as another race. I hope that *IGNORANCE* is not becoming the new pink.

I believe the only way to prevent instances like this from occurring at Clemson University again is to implement some sort of mandatory diversity workshop for all entering freshmen and another workshop as students get ready to leave and head out into the job force. Clemson University has SO many different students from around the world and we must be sensitive to the cultures and backgrounds of *ALL* students here. This also includes students that lead a gay or lesbian lifestyle. I do not feel that all people are aware of their ignorance, but there are some things that are blatant; this includes the incidence of party-goers painting themselves black.

The implementation of a mandatory diversity workshop will help bridge the gap that is ever so evident on Clemson's campus. As a student that has been here for 3 years, I have witnessed how students may participate in organizations that has where their particular race is the majority rather than branching out to take part to involve themselves in *EVERYTHING* that is happening on campus. I know that is not true with every club, group, or organization but personally I would take part in anything that interests me or that I feel is a worthy cause.

Even though the party that occurred was rather negative in its portrayal of African -American culture, I feel that it brought the attention towards the *IGNORANCE* that is alive and well at Clemson University. I *REFUSE* to let it be repeated. I hope people look at this as a learning experience and fight to help end a vicious cycle of stereotypes and lack of cultural sensitivity.

Don't let *IGNORANCE* become the new pink; I really like that color....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said! I hope that we can turn this into something positive because we use it to learn how not to believe stereotypes about other people.